Monday, September 27, 2004

Creativity Protection For All

I have to agree with the need to keep copyrights (CR) and intellectual property (IP), but I have to disagree with the way they are being exploited by corporate America. After reading Lessig’s book I came away with, what seemed like to me, the plain and simple truth of the problem at hand. Copyrights and IP are just two more noble ideals headed down the tubes.

The original reason for having CR and IP, in the first place, was for the protection of an individuals’ original creation(s) for a defined length of time. (The catch phrase here is, “a defined length of time.”) As Lessig points out, it is in our very nature to build on what we have already seen, known, even experienced. It’s how we function as a society of social beings. It is the very reason that we have progressed to where we are today. Yet the deep pockets of corporate America have managed to put something as noble and well-intentioned as CR and IP into a choke hold for their own greedy purposes. He who has the most money has the most power and therefore makes all the decisions.

I agree with Lessig, this was not the intention of the framers when CR and IP were created. There has to be a set of checks and balances in the system for the original intention of CR and IP to work for the good of “ALL”. To protect the rights of the creators and to protect the rights of those who would (if allowed to) follow in their footsteps. By rebuilding, recreating, reinventing or just plain ole rearranging what we already know is, to continue to develop, to have a purpose. It’s who we are and how we function.

I’ve come away with a new point of view and a better understanding concerning copyrights and intellectual property as we move into the 21st century. I can’t say I’m thrilled about the idea now that I’m aware of Corporate America’s plan to control what originally would/could/should have been in “our” public domain.

1 comment:

Kari Kraus said...

Very thoughtful post, Karin.